Blog7 Starting Synthesis
Through my primary research on the Chinese food discourse community, I have identified several key themes and characteristics. These include a strong sense of cultural pride and authenticity, a focus on traditional cooking methods and ingredients, and a willingness to adapt to local tastes and preferences. To deepen my understanding of these themes and their broader context, I have synthesized my findings with two outside sources: an academic article by Akshitha Adhiyaman titled "Authenticity: the Evolution of Chinese Food in America," which the link of it is and a blog post by Ethan Wong on the history of Chinese cuisine. Here is a link of it: Moreover, I also summarize a document post in the discourse community about a traditional Sichuan dish.
The article by Adhiyaman sheds important light on how the idea of authenticity in Chinese food is evolving, especially in the context of the Chinese diaspora in America. She contends that the idea of authenticity is contentious and has been influenced by historical and cultural variables such as prejudice, immigration, and shifting consumer preferences. Adhiyaman points out that, contrary to popular belief, true Chinese food has evolved over time, including regional ingredients and flavours while preserving its core cultural identity.
My primary research on the Dry-Fried String Beans recipe supports Adhiyaman's argument that authenticity is an evolving concept. The recipe emphasizes the importance of using specific ingredients and techniques to create a Sichuan-style dish, while also acknowledging the need for flexibility in adapting the recipe to local ingredients and preferences. For example, the recipe notes that green beans can be substituted for Chinese long beans, that is because green beans are easy to get in China, but in America, it is hard to find. This is what called the willingness and flexibility to adapt to local environments.
The patterns and traits found in my original study have more context thanks to Wong's blog post on the history of Chinese food. Chinese food has a long and complicated history that has been influenced by things like location, climate, and cultural interchange, according to Wong. He also emphasizes how important regional differences in Chinese cuisine are, pointing out how several provinces and cities have their own unique culinary traditions and specialties. My primary investigation into the Dry-Fried String Beans recipe lends credence to Wong's claim regarding the significance of regional differences in Chinese cuisine. The Sichuan-style preparation of the meal is particularly mentioned in the recipe, stressing the different flavors and preparation methods unique to that region. Other Chinese foods also show this focus on regional identity, with several provinces and cities each having their own distinctive culinary traditions.
As a result of combining my primary study on the Dry-Fried String Beans recipe in the discourse community with the other two secondary sources, I now have a more comprehensive grasp of the Chinese food culture discourse community. The themes and traits I noticed in my research have been made clearer to me thanks to Adhiyaman's essay and Wong's blog post, which both emphasize how the idea of cultural identity in Chinese food as well as the importance of regional variances. I think that food and cuisines can influence one’s cultural identity and learning how to cook one dish represents an interest in exploring the culture and history behind the dish.
Adhiyaman, A. (2018, July 4). Authenticity: The evolution of chinese food in America by Akshitha Adhiyaman. Noodles on the Silk Road. Retrieved February 22, 2023, from
Wong, E. (2021, February 12). Everything about Chinese cuisine - history, facts, origins, classification, Culture & Influences. 3thanWong. Retrieved February 22, 2023, from
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